Our People


Emma Townsend, Registered Music Therapist

Emma is a Registered Music Therapist with clinical experience in a wide range of populations. Emma has worked as a music therapist in hospitals, aged care facilities, special needs schools, early childhood intervention programs, community disability groups, adult mental health, and private practice.

In addition to holding a Master of Music Therapy from the University of Melbourne, Emma also graduated with a Master of Music Studies (Performance) and Bachelor of Music (Performance) from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, the University of Sydney. Emma also holds a Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care and loves working with people of all ages to nurture a love of music.

In 2015, Emma was awarded a BBM Award for outstanding achievement in the field of music. This award facilitated her travel to the United Kingdom and the United States where she studied with prominent teachers from the Royal College of Music, Royal Academy of Music, London Guildhall of Music and Drama, the Royal Northern College of Music, and the New England Conservatory (Boston). While residing at St. Andrew’s College (University of Sydney), she held a music scholarship and was a student representative for music within the college. While studying at the Sydney Conservatorium, Emma was a concertmaster of several ensembles, including the Conservatorium Opera Orchestra, and the Asia Pacific Chamber Orchestra. Emma has also been a principal second violinist in the Sydney Conservatorium Symphony and Chamber Orchestras. Emma performs regularly throughout Sydney as an orchestral and chamber musician. She was a member of Sydney Symphony Orchestra’s Sinfonia Emerging Artists Program, and has since performed with the Canberra Symphony Orchestra, the Concertante Ensemble, and the Verbrugghen Ensemble.

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